Let’s take a look into “what makes a K or BB”.
GAPA / GBLG is a simple & effective stat to analyze K% & BB% rates
After The Spin Rate Gate
The MLB actually enforced Rule 6.02
Here’s the outcome:
Effective Velocity is Actually Real. And it Might Matter.
Effective Velocity is a term that has been around for more than a decade.
It was supposedly “debunked”.
But it’s actually real.
Pitch Simulators
Pitch Simulators are coming. And they will completely change the game of baseball. But many hasn’t realized yet.
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Every Pitch in Baseball
Why do Hitters Chase the Curveball?
Despite the recent decades’ trend in the use of Hard-Sliders and lateral-breaking Sweepers, many pitchers still use the Standard-Curveball as their out-pitch.
Here’s the thing: Despite the ‘popping out of the hand’ effect curveballs have, hitters still swing at it. A lot…
Cutting the Fastball
Early on, we’ve realized that the best fastballs weren’t necessarily the highest spinning ones.
It’s the movement that matters.
What does “cutting the fastball” look like?
About Me
I am Tom.