Table of Contents
1. About
2. Conditioning Process
3. The Effects
4. Deconditioning
5. Related Posts
1. About
When it comes to what matters, it’s ultimately (your) peace & intrigue that matters. Those “truly” matter; everything else essentially doesn’t matter.1If they could matter, they matter for the sake of peace/intrigue.
However, there are influences that tell us, “something else matters.” Because of these influences, we miss out on peace, and forget about intrigue2life’s true purpose.
One is ‘ego’–what matters is “status”. Hence, everyone chases status.
Two is ‘society’–what this post is about.
“Society” is synonymous with “other people”. Society is just a group of relationships put together.
The word, “society”, tends to imply, “the whole world”, but it’s not.3Your country is a society; your church is a society; your school is a society; your friend group is a (small) society; Reddit is a society.There are as many societies as there are people.
Every society cares about its own thing–the thing that matters. To a labour union, it’s money. To a feminist, it’s equality4allegedly — I don’t have a position. To baseball, baseball. To comedy, laughs. (The list goes on.)
Good & Bad
Societies are always “ethical”. All societies exist in the name of goodwill.
To something that matters, there are desires. If something fulfills a desire, it’s labelled as, “good”. If not, “bad”.
In a society, a person’s goal is to become a “good person”…whatever that means.5Historically, it (usually) meant “prosperity” to other members of the society. War heroes are “good people”.6Telling yourself, “I’m a bad person”, is a sort of deception. You’re redeeming yourself by attacking yourself. Nevertheless, conditioning.
(Something to think about7meaning I don’t have an answer: Are victims, good?…or bad?)
2. Conditioning Process

Societies are different from the ‘ego’ as in, you know that it’s not you. You’re not naturally, intuitively, inclined to care about what societies care about.8Note: ego is socially unacceptable.
So, societies(people) do everything to persuade you of “something matter-ing”. They give you all the reasons: ethics, benefits, logic, emotions, etc. Most importantly, societies persecute those who don’t comply; you’re always pressured.
What happens if you’re a criminal? A slave owner? A banker?9Joke, please.You’re unacceptable. How about…a college dropout? Anarchist? Pothead? Disrespected (in most societies).
It’s socially unacceptable to be different. You can’t be an atheist in a church.10If your friend group loves cars, you better love cars. If your friend group is broke, you can’t be broke (on your own).11“Friends are those you share heresies with.”
Remember: societies always have the upper hand; one person is rarely more powerful than thousands.12Especially with public opinion/reputation.
(The desire to “fit in” is a fear from persecution. It’s social conditioning on its own.)13On top, there may be a genetic element.
Mimetic Theory
RenĂ© Girard has a theory called “the mimetic theory of desire.”
In summary: humans naturally imitate others. We mimic each others’ behaviours. Not only that, we mimic desires. If somebody wants something, you want it too. You unconsciously develop a desire.
Desires come from what matters. This means, what matters to others matters to you.
As you adopt matters (one by one) from other people, your ‘self-image‘ grows. You become shaped by many identities.
(In a long enough timeframe, you’ll be a “vegan-atheist-biker-activist-traveller-anarchist”14I’m not saying that any of these are right/wrong. Please.)
They’re all ‘attachments’. Too many attachments are no-good.
3. Effects
Too Many Things
In today’s world15actually, since societies existed, we’re being “conditioned” 24/7; we’re basically being poured thousands of matters all day.
And we adopt a lot of them. The forces are too strong. I mean, how are we supposed to (publicly) reject them?
“North Koreans are starving.” Alright, gotta care about that. “Children are doing tough labour in Bangladesh.” Gotta care about that, too. “Animals are being tortured.” Can’t ignore that. “There’s too much waste in the ocean.” Well, that’s serious. (The list goes on.)
Here’s the problem: if too many things matter, too much, you can’t prioritize(=work on) any of them. If you care about everything, you can’t do anything. Spend 1 second on every world issue, your day is gone.
In order to output *significant* results, it’s necessary to commit to that one thing, and ignore everything else. Doing 3 projects one after another works better than trying to do them simultaneously.16Given that the projects are big enough.
“Persecution”, “mimicry”, “compliance”…what do they mean? Assimilation.
Radical creativity(originality) requires independent thinking/influences. Two people with the exact same influences inevitably create the same ideas, the same outputs.
We live in a world where most people do the same things. Most individuals don’t add any significant value to this world.
Talent + Programming determine creativity.

In a tight, conservative environment(society), where everyone acts the same, the outcomes follow a gaussian distribution.

In an open, unrestrained environment(non-society), where everyone acts differently/randomly, the outcomes follow a power-law distribution.
It’s my suspicion that extreme performances(outcomes) are actually much more achievable than they seem. It just happens through independent paths.
4. Deconditioning
Deconditioning from society is necessary for ‘independence’…then ‘ownership’.
Deconditioning is a process of elimination. By understanding.
Why do you care about ‘x’? Why? Why? Why? It’s questioning (to the end). You simply can’t understand without questioning.17Ironically, we’re never taught to question things…
If you go deep enough, you’ll realize that (almost) none of what seems to matter, matters to you(r peace & intrigue). They’re preferences.18(Philosophically) “Dogs being killed” doesn’t matter (absolutely). It’s only your preference to (un)want that.Prefer not to care…then choose to care, or not.19Indifferent to society’s influence.
At some’ll no longer seek external validation.
The news influences you.
With clickbait titles & unlimited tragedies, you’re being consumed into chaos.
Politics is insignificant.
…to you. You (probably) shouldn’t have a political stance on anything. You can’t change anything. You’re being convinced to have opinions (that don’t mean anything).
All your political views are conditioned, most likely.
People, who you’re in relationships with, influence you.
Your friends/family/others influence your worldview. Lots of people are stuck with their loser friends. If you’re not helping, leave.
5. Related Posts
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